Website Wednesday #13

It’s WEBSITE WEDNESDAY! 💥 Ready for more hints and tips for your business website? Here’s one from the heart. No.13: Regularly check your customer contact forms. So, is this an unlucky number 13? Or an embarrassing admission? I’d say both. One week last year, I discovered that both contact forms on my website were suddenly … Read more

The 3 best free SEO tricks for your website or blog

I’ve mentioned before how Google change their algorithms over time – and that there are various free SEO (search engine optimisation) tricks to perform to ensure your web pages rank high-up in the lists of search results. One trend at the moment is to write informative articles about your area of expertise and to publish … Read more

WordPress tricks to give your website the edge

Most of my clients so far have websites built using WordPress. That’s not surprising; WordPress is simple to use and highly adaptable. And it’s free! Did you know there are a number of easy-to-implement WordPress tricks of the trade, to help optimise your website? Tricks that will improve your SEO (search engine optimisation) and the … Read more