Website Wednesday #1

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It’s WEBSITE WEDNESDAY everyone! 💥

So, I’m starting a series of blogs with hints and tips for your business website. Just comment below if you’d like any more details or want to propose a topic.

First up: Plan your website’s structure.

(Note: For those of you with an established website already, this is still a good exercise. Has your website become a bit bloated, with too much repeated or obsolete content? Check also that your top-level menu still points to your most valuable content, as efficiently as possible.)

If you are starting from scratch, draw up a plan showing the pages you need, and how they will link with each other. Plan individual pages for all your products/services. Decide on the pages you want people to “land on” first. These will be most important when planning your keywords and SEO (search engine optimisation), but more about that another time.

Keep a lookout for a whole range of WEBSITE WEDNESDAY tips, all with the aim of attracting more site visitors and sales for your business.

Thanks, Simon at Site Review UK

Site Review UK – optimising and clarifying your online content
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Treat your website to a
professional Content & SEO Audit this month.

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